Spiritual Healing


Spiritual healing has been practiced for thousands of years and yet it has not been truly embraced by conventional thinking and science. 

By channelling divine and celestial universal love and light, a vibration and frequency of power and beauty can be absorbed by the recipient.

Healing can come in numerous modalities and there are healing channels that can channel at a high vibration with divinely guided energy. The exchange of healing light and love is streamed by healing angels from higher planes of spiritual evolution, to bespokely suit the needs and wishes of the recipients, and the ailments they wish to be worked upon.

When evolved healing channels are acutely attuned to the divine light and love at a high vibration and frequency, the more powerful and effective the outcome of healing will be.

I have personally been healing on and off for 25 years, witnessing miraculous results of which science would be hard pushed to disprove.

I have been blessed with the gift of physical mediumship and clairsentience, which allows for a seamless connection with my spiritual guides, healing angels, ascended healing angels, and celestial spiritual teachers. Whom can use me as an instrument of love and healing to an ascended vibration. I am a fully qualified Rahanni and Reiki practitioner, yet my innate spiritual healing gift is the channeling of Trance Psychic Surgery.


Healing Modalities Practiced

Trance Psychic Surgery

Within this modality I am in 1/3 trance state, where numerous healing angels and specialist evolved healing guides are able to bring through light at such a high vibrational frequency my hands and fingers become an extension of spiritual healing light, where cells, tissue, joints, abd bone can be rejuvenated, manipulated, and transformed.

I am only the channel in the healing process, so I have no influence on the outcome, as that is in one's soul blueprint, that said, the healing will always benefit the recipient, even if there is no resulting cure of the ailment.

Through the channelling of Trance Psychic Surgery, results that have transpired over the years have been at times miraculous.

Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time.

Rahanni is thousands of years old but is now the 'new' healing modality for this Golden Age, a moving forward of spiritual growth by releasing negativity and the old ways of thinking to that of inner peace, positive thought and compassion.

Although it is thousands of years old it is a 'new' healing for the 'Age of Aquarius'. Bringing truth, love, peace, and compassion, helping to open the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child to a devine consciousness of being.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a universal energy which people experience as a warm balancing and harmonising life force energy. It is totally natural, safe to use at all times and both nuturing and empowering.

Reiki originated from Japan at the turn of the 20th century by Mikao Usui. The word Reiki (pronounced ray key) can be split into two components. Rei meaning Universal and Ki (Qi Chi) meaning life force energy.

Reiki can affect each person differently but it always acts wherever the receiver needs it most. Reiki works on the body as a whole, balancing the emotions, bringing clarity to the mind and reconnecting to the 'true self' which in turn impacts on physical well-being.

Reiki, as with both Trance Psychic Surgery & Rahanni, passes from the Practitioner to the receiver and works on many different levels:

Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
Strengthens intuition
Promotes natural self-healing
Strengthens life force energy
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Promotes creativity
Relieves pain
Relaxes and induces stress
Strengthens the immune system
Clears toxins
Heals holistically

Please note: All modalities of healing undertaken are complementary healing treatment, and are NO substitute or alternative for professional, conventional - medical intervention & treatment.